Friday, August 22, 2014

Guess Who's Back...

It has been a couple years, but I have decided to come back into the blogging world and re-connect with my amazing readers. This blog used to be an outlet and a tool for me to educate other women on natural birth and parenting, and I loved every minute of it… But life got busy, the kids started growing up on me, and I decided it was time to focus my energy on keeping up with them. Over the past two years, I have had countless people ask me to come back and write, and many more that have come up with the brilliant suggestion that “you should REALLY get into mom-blogging! I would totally read what you have to say.” That one makes me laugh every time and is always a huge compliment. So here I am… Back in the blogosphere. A lot has changed for our family in the past two years, and I am thrilled to share all of the exciting new things that we have going on. It makes me sad to think about the amazing milestones that I have missed out on writing about, but that is a big reason why I’ve decided to come back. While I’ll still have a large component of natural birth and parenting, I’d like to shift my focus toward documenting our family life so that we have something to look back on throughout the years. Life is moving so fast and I don’t ever want to forget the sweet things my children are doing and saying. This time is so precious and I can’t let these sweet moment slip away. So feel free to “like” my blog on Facebook, share the page with your friends, and send in topic requests! Those were always some of my very favorite posts. I am excited to share this journey with all of you again and I look forward to hearing your input as always <3

Photo by Molly Gillispie of Molly Gillispie Photography