About Me

First and foremost, I am a mother

To Trinity, Ethan, and our newest little addition, Jarom. Every single thing I do revolves around my children and being their mother. I am 110% devoted to loving them, raising them, and being there to witness every single smile and wipe every single tear. I am married to my best friend, who works hard to ensure that I have that privilege. He is my rock.

I am passionate about all things pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, and everything in between. I am a trained birth and postpartum doula and I help women during their pregnancies, labors, and births. In the future, I plan on becoming a Certified Nurse-Midwife and will happily live out my passion by delivering babies once I am done having them myself. Laughing is my hobby. I enjoy doing it and I enjoy making others do it. Writing, counseling, and loving people are the things that make me happiest. I stand very firm in my beliefs, but I do not judge others who have differing opinions and I expect the same from those around me. I believe in the power of positivity and I believe that happiness is a choice. I have been blessed with the an incredible support system and have a never ending supply of love because of it.

I talk about my kids more than anyone should be allowed and I use any excuse possible to do it…