My Family

Daddy is a soldier in the US Army. He is currently going to school full time to finish his degree and will commission as an Army Officer this spring. We met in high school, started dating during our junior year, and went to our senior prom together. We were married in June of 2010 and he left for the Army six months later. We spent two staight years apart due to training and an immediate year-long deployment to Afghanistan. We had a baby who turned into a toddler during that time, as well as a pregnancy and the arrival of our second child. It was a very difficult but refining two years, and it makes us grateful every single day to be together. Daddy enjoys anything that involves fitness, the outdoors, and motors. He is 100% a family man and devotes everything he has to leading, guiding, and providing for his growing family. We truly couldn’t ask for a better husband or daddy.

Trinity is four years old, our oldest, and our only girl. She is one-of-a-kind. Everyone who knows her can testify of that. She is an adult trapped in a toddler-sized body and she has more personality than she knows what to do with. She is insanely smart and always has been. Trin can be feisty and is extremely energetic, but she has a heart of gold and makes people laugh constantly. That is her number one goal. She is always looking for ways to help me and those around her. She is a caretaker and a rule enforcer. Daddy and I call her the “house cop.” She is the coolest person I have ever met and I hope to be just like her when I grow up.

Ethan is two years old and the sweetest little boy you will ever meet. He is also MASSIVE. For those reasons, we call him our “gentle giant.” He is sensitive, loving, calm, and gentle. He lets his big sister make his decisions for him and he just goes with the flow. He doesn’t talk. Everyone jokes that Trinity “does the talking for him.” He loves to play chase, build blocks, take baths, and cuddle up to a movie. He was a momma’s boy until he stopped nursing at 18 months and now he is attached to his daddy's leg. He loves playing with his big sister and loving on his little brother.


Jarom is our newest little bundle of joy, born in September. He is an absolute angel. He loves being swaddled, nursing, and sleeping. He is constantly being held, kissed, or cuddled by his older siblings who can't get enough of him. He is a content baby who has already brought so much happiness into our family.